Monday, July 6, 2015

Fertile Soil

If my soul were fertile soil,
I would commit to regular weeding.
I would remember to water
and would look forward to pruning.
If my soul were fertile soil,
I would worry less about other people's gardens.
I would celebrate my successes
and would frequently ask for advice.
If my soul were fertile soil,
I would trust that the fruit to come in due season.
I would be grateful for both sun and rain
and would value the seasons of life.
If my soul were fertile soil,
I would share my harvest with many friends and neighbors.
I would want not, would fear not,
and would compost regularly.
If every soul is fertile soil,
it is because the Gardener specializes in redressing dense underbrush
and toxicity and desertification.
If no plot of land is too exhausted to be renewed,
it is because humble souls are willing to cooperate
with the tireless work of the Gardener.

Thank God for the Gardener,
and for the chance to annex our small plots of land onto his expanding new Eden!