Monday, August 4, 2014

Better or Better Off

Peter Maurin (1877-1949)
Co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, Peter Maurin had a dramatic influence on Servant of God Dorothy Day.  He also had a talent for writing what he described as "easy essays."

They may be easy to read, but I doubt they were easy to write, and I know they are rather challenging to live!  Here's a sample, for your consideration, from the Houston Catholic Worker Newspaper (vol. XXXV, n. 5):

Better or Better Off
  1. The world would be better off,
    if people tried
    to become better.
  2. And people would
    become better,
    if they stopped trying
    to be better off.
  3. For when everybody tries
    to become better off,
    nobody is better off.
  4. But when everybody tries
    to become better,
    everybody is better off.
  5. Everybody would be rich
    if nobody tried
    to be richer.
  6. And nobody would be poor
    if everybody tried
    to be poorest.
  7. And everybody would be
    what he ought to be
    if everybody tried to be
    what he wants the other
    fellow to be.