What if we're all "on the spectrum"? Wouldn't it be nice to evaluate to what extent we are "spiritually worldly" and to what extent we are becoming the "missionary disciples" Christ needs us to be?
The brief self-assessment below flows out of Pope Francis' commentary on "Spiritual Worldliness" in
The Joy of the Gospel (
EG, nn., 93-97). The Holy Father lays out the issue as follows: "
Spiritual worldliness, which hides behind the appearance of piety and even love for the Church, consists in seeking not the Lord's glory but human glory and personal well-being" (
EG, n. 93). So, take a quick look at where you stand in relation to the goal of growing in holiness as a missionary disciple of Jesus:
Spiritual Worldliness Missionary Discipleship
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Seeking human glory Seeking the Lord's glory
and personal well-being and the well-being of others
Subtly pursuing Openly pursing
one's own interests Christ's interests
Cultivating appearances Cultivating ongoing
conversion of heart
Concerned with feeling Concerned with the
superior to others Gospel and the good
of others
Pursuing the pleasure of Embracing evangelical
complacency and self-indulgence fervor
Attracted by elitism Willing to open the door
and classifying others of grace to others
Preoccupied with the Church Concerned with the
as an institution, the property Church as the People of
of a select few God, especially the poor
Enjoying talk about Offering of one's life
"what needs to be done" in a spirit of service
Fascinated with social Bearing the mark of
and political gain Christ crucified and risen