Monday, February 26, 2018

Transfigured Humanity, Transfiguring Divinity

The Transfiguration by Giovanni Bellini
"For it was for this end that the Word of God was made man,
and He who was the Son of God became the Son of man,
that man, having been taken into the Word,
and receiving the adoption,

might become the son of God." 
+St. Irenaeus, Adversus Heareses III/19

Transfiguration, disclosing Christ's divinity:
self-manifestation of the Blessed Trinity.

Moses and Elijah honor his obedience;
three Apostles witness his imminent Risen Presence.

Jesus' glory reveals each person's destiny,
and so restores humankind's tenuous sanity.

No longer meaningless toil till death does come calling;
eternal life shines through each day's rising and falling.

Emptiness and suffering and woe do not laugh last;
they become portals to a future freed from the past.

Self-giving love becomes self-emptying gift;
Life pours forth for all, healing the original rift.

Christ points to the end before his suffering does start,
 with existence's "Why" shining through his Sacred Heart.

Healed humanity, taken up into the Word:
God calls all to adoption, thus transforming the world!