Monday, August 17, 2015

God's Gumption and the Assumption

Given the fact of our God's game-changing Incarnation,
Mary's Assumption is Love's logical implication.
The audacity of Spirit taking on human flesh
has transformed the way heaven and earth intermesh.
A sacramental cosmos unfolded in Mary's dear baby--
The Infinite disclosed in the finite--no if, but, or maybe.
Having taken on a body, the Son would thus suffer;
witnesses probed transformed wounds directly, without any buffer.
Disciples still reverence Christ's empty tomb, long since grown cold,
and we honor earthly remains from our saints of old.
Yet no burial place or relics of Mary exist,
her singular life was clearly destined not to desist.

The body, it turns out, is no mere shell to discard,
but the key to expressing our soul's eternal regard.

Neither a gnostic escapism from some meaningless realm,
nor reductive materialism with a godless helm.

Rather, earth enters Heaven when Christ goes to the Father;
first-fruits will soon follow when he repatriates our Mother.
Their glory will be ours if confidently we do trust
that the spark of divine life shines through this earthly dust.
So why does the Creator yearn for our creaturely presence?
  Triune Love is Integration and Communion in essence.