We live in the age of "likes." So, wouldn't the world be a better place if more people started "liking" the Virgin Mother Mary?
What if Mary started "trending"?! The world might start to notice why God chose her for such a singular place in human history:
- Humility triumphs over triviality: As flawed and fallen human beings, many of us are tempted to think that the world revolves around our little selves--or that our little selves are so insignificant that nothing we do really matters. When the Angel Gabriel announces the plan of salvation to Mary, the "favored one" (Lk 1:28), she neither demands ("what took you so long?!") nor demurs ("you must have the wrong person..."). Rather, the one conceived without sin sees herself neither as perfect nor as useless, but as the faithful servant of God--"I am the handmaid of the Lord" (Lk 1:38). Mary's life is not all about herself, but is always centered on the will of the heavenly Father, on the life of her Son, and on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
- Solitude silences fear. The scene of the Annunciation concludes with a potentially chilling line: "Then the angel departed from her" (Lk 1:38). The Angel has just delivered world-shattering news; the drama of God's covenantal love will now play out in human history. The "bomb" has been dropped, and now Mary is alone. She has no blueprint to follow, no predetermined course of action on which to rely. Yet her time alone yields not to loneliness or isolation. Rather, this solitude sends her forth fearlessly to visit Elizabeth.